Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lock Bumping - Open locks with a bump key

Lock bumping is a technique used to open locks using a filed down key that is the same profile as the lock. This means that the key needs to slide into the lock but doesn't have to turn. The way to make a "bump key" is to file down the notches to the same height, as shown in the picture below.

Once the key is filed down you slide it into the lock and apply a small amount of pressure using your thumb pushing the key to the left or right depending on which way the lock turns to open it. You then tap it with something popping the lock and the key will turn. It's not easy to explain so I've found a video with a demonstration on how to do this.

Here is a video showing you how it works using a cross section animation. This might make it easier to understand.

How to rip flash games to your hard drive

Ever played a game online and couldn't remember where the site was next time you wanted to play it? This is a very simple way to rip the flash game off the site and save the file on your hard drive to play at any time you like.
You need to be using Mozilla Firefox and you need to install the Unplug plugin to do this. Once you have installed the plugin you will need to restart Firefox and you'll see a little fish on the top right hand corner of your screen.

Now go to the page where the game is that you want and once the game is showing on the screen you click the little fish and it will take you to a page that looks like this.

This is a list of all the flash files on that page. Look for the file that is the game that you want and right click on it to save it or click the save button underneath it. And there you go you have the game saved on your hard drive to be played at any time you wish. You'll need Adobe Flash Player to play it which you can download at the Adobe Website.

This won't work on all sites so if you want a game from a site that you can't get it from try googling the name of it and finding it on another site. Chances are it will be on a number of different sites and one of them is bound to work.